Slottsträdgården – The Castel Garden
Lisa Ising is the initiator and founder of The Castle Garden (Slottsträdgården) in Malmö – one of Sweden’s first urban farming projects. She brought the idea and managed the project for four years, until it opened in 1998. The inspiration came from New York’s guerrilla gardening and other American grass root initiatives.
The story of how The Castle Garden was created and the pioneering years behind it is captured in the book ”Staden som åkermark” (The city – a farming field) by Johanna and Christian Jimenez.
For further info see newspaper article:
Helsingborgs Dagblad: The green dream came true
Fredriksdals Friluftsmuseum
Fredriksdal’s open-air museum in Helsingborg is an 18th-century facility with a huge kitchen garden. As project manager for major outdoor events at Fredriksdal, Lisa Ising was responsible for garden fairs with exhibitors, markets and other events. She also managed a 250th Linnaeus’ anniversary in the city of Helsingborg.
Ariman art gallery
Ariman is a small private art gallery in Lund – and something of an institution. As exhibition manager there, Lisa Ising’s role was to find new and promising artists, build exhibitions and manage PR matters. One of the exhibitions was an 3D installation with Italian artist Marta Cicionesi for newly written music by composer Johannes Jansson. Another ”A sea impression in the inland” with Danish sculptor Frits Moltke-Hoff.